Bring Breathwork to Your Workplace or Event

Lauren facilitates customized breathwork sessions and gives talks for corporate workshops, seminars, conferences, and leadership training. Breathwork is a powerful tool that helps people unlock their full potential. Please email for more information or to schedule with Lauren.

Why Breathwork

Nearly 60% of U.S. employees have experienced mental health symptoms, and yet eight in 10 workers did not seek help because of fear and shame. Unaddressed mental health conditions cost U.S. companies nearly $17 billion per year. 

We breathe about 23,000 times a day yet most of us are unaware of the power of our breath to change our mood and our behavior. Breathwork offers organizations a way to energize employees and provide them techniques to manage stress and overwhelm. 

Companies who invest in breathwork programs have a competitive edge. Some of the benefits for companies who practice breathwork include: 

  • Strengthens immune system 

  • Reduces stress, anxiety, and depression

  • Increases energy, clarity, and peace of mind

  • Enhances creativity, innovative thinking, and decision making

  • Develops better communication and a stronger bond among employees

  • Increases memory, focus, and productivity

  • Bolsters employee retention 

  • Augments job satisfaction and reduces employee absenteeism 

  • Decreases burnout

Why Lauren

Lauren’s approach to breathwork and mindfulness is perfect for the workplace because of her diverse training in the business sector and in breathwork. She has studied, practiced, and taught breathwork for more than 20 years and is trained and certified in Integrative Breathwork, Transformational Breath®, Reiki Level 1, and Inner Domain 5 Element Yoga and Ayurveda. Lauren also holds a business degree from Syracuse University, has run several businesses, and serves in a leadership role for the International Breathwork Foundation. Her warmth, expertise, and  practical approach resonate with people in the workplace. This combination makes her the perfect facilitator for your corporate workshop, conferences, or leadership training.

What It Looks Like

Everyone who experiences breathwork has their own unique experience. Lauren works with you to design a program that is best suited for you and your employees - one that will help alleviate stress, inspire employees, and create powerful bonds in the workplace. Programs can be customized based on your specific needs, organizational goals, and number of participants. They can be conducted both virtually and in-person. Options range from a 30 or 60 minute class to a full day workshop to multiple-day retreats. Many organizations will offer a combination of large or small groups sessions and individual sessions.

“Lauren was the ideal guest speaker for a wellness-focused forum this spring titled Healing for the Whole Person: How Breathing and Mindfulness Can Ease Pain and Lift the Spirit. Lauren highlighted how breathwork is an ever-more important daily practice, with this pandemic-ridden year being a true test to the human spirit. There is never a wrong time to read Breath LOVE – it is to be inhaled, absorbed, and appreciated!”

— Kate McGrail, Suburban Hospital Community Health & Wellness